1 John 2:18-29 Deep Dive

Hi Deep Divers!


This is a interesting article. But I would caution you, not everything here is Biblical or right. I wonder if you can find things here that you don’t agree with or don’t seem right. 



Think about what it was like for you when you first became a Christian. Imagine sharing that story with someone who is not a Christian. Thank God for how that happened and His role in your life.


This is a great article on what it means to be born again and where that term came from

Born Again


This is a great study which asks some great questions

Study on 1 John 2:18-29


Can I ask you to spend some time praying for yourself. That God will show you what the next steps are for your life. Ask God to lead and provide for you and help you to make good decisions.


Pastor Mark.